Voss ski resort- A genuine ski town with legendary status

Everyone with a passion for skiing has probably heard of Voss. You have most likely met a skier from Voss. Have you ever been there? I guess not. Well, it’s not too late to change that. Voss is worth a visit, Not only for skiing. But, as we […]

Fleischer’s Hotel Voss – staying in the house of kings

Fleischer’s Hotel in Voss is certainly worth a visit. Being one of the icon historical hotels in Norway. Owned and managed by the same family for six generations in a row. Fleischer’s in Voss has hosted more than one king during it 160 years of service. And now […]

Hotel Store Ringheim Voss – stay in a unique atmosphere

Store Ringheim Farmstead at Voss has been in the same family for eight generations. And has recently changed from farming to serving guests, seeking that unique boutique hotel experience. Not only that, the hotel’s own restaurant, Flor’n is the best in the valley. The old barn dating back […]

Påkörd i skidbacken? -vi reder ut vad som gäller

Alla skidåkare bör, eller rättare sagt skall ha läst och känna till SLAO’s lilla gula. I den finns utförsåkningens trafikregler anslagna. Lite som 10 guds bud. Enkla förhållningsregler för att skydda dig och dom runt om kring dig i backen. Följer alla reglerna så är risken att köra […]

Vemdalen ski museum – a unique collection of ski artifacts

Skitrotter made a stop at Vemdalen ski museum in the small valley of Vemdalen, or “Who Valley” as the local nickname translates in English. Vemdalen is a waste spot at the very beginning of the Swedish mountains. Here, a ski artifact collecting plague is spreading among the local […]

Hardcore skiing – The best ski slope in Scandinavia

Other ski magazines create lists of the best powder skiing. If you’re looking for that, read them. In this article, we are talking about concrete corduroy, hardcore skiing. GS style. Put your helmet on, buckle up and go full throttle. This is a salute to the best ski […]

Inside the head of Christopher Henning – Big mountain freeskier

Ever wondered what’s going on inside the head of a big mountain freeskier? What thoughts are spinning around when it’s time to take on a new challenge? As a dad to one, I know that I do. So I sat down during Christmas and had a serious talk […]

88 millimeter Ski test – this is the ski you actually need

Wherever you go, on every slope, you find fairly good skiers with big mountain skis. The narrative is that a 100 millimeter ski or even wider is allround and works in all conditions. And as everyone looks for the powder seen in social media or in a fancy […]

Olarsgården – one genuine ski lodge experience in Sälen

“Gård” is the Swedish word for homestead, and at Sälen Hotel Olarsgården you will feel at home, undoubtedly. This is a family business with a history that goes back to 1949, when the first hotel building was set up at Olarsgården. One of today’s owners, Jonas Persson is […]

Ski Test Weekend Sälen – 45-årig tradition som håller än

Sedan tidigt åttiotal har skidtestarhelgen eller Ski Test Weekend som Skistar kallar händelsen, varit en samlingspunkt för alla involverade i den svenska skidindustrin. Till Sälen vallfärdar leverantörer och dedikerade skidåkare, främst från södra Sverige. Målet att starta en ny skidsäsong, första helgen i december. I princip alla skid […]