88 millimeter Ski test – this is the ski you actually need

Wherever you go, on every slope, you find fairly good skiers with big mountain skis. The narrative is that a 100 millimeter ski or even wider is allround and works in all conditions. And as everyone looks for the powder seen in social media or in a fancy […]

Olarsgården – one genuine ski lodge experience in Sälen

“Gård” is the Swedish word for homestead, and at Sälen Hotel Olarsgården you will feel at home, undoubtedly. This is a family business with a history that goes back to 1949, when the first hotel building was set up at Olarsgården. One of today’s owners, Jonas Persson is […]

Ski Test Weekend Sälen – 45-årig tradition som håller än

Sedan tidigt åttiotal har skidtestarhelgen eller Ski Test Weekend som Skistar kallar händelsen, varit en samlingspunkt för alla involverade i den svenska skidindustrin. Till Sälen vallfärdar leverantörer och dedikerade skidåkare, främst från södra Sverige. Målet att starta en ny skidsäsong, första helgen i december. I princip alla skid […]