A Tragedy i three acts unveils in real-time. As the board of directors at the Swedish ski federation, live stages its own modern version of Macbeth. In front of everyone’s eyes.
This was supposed to be an article following up what’s happening in the room of power over skiing in Sweden, recently revealed in the national media. However, as many of the people involved refuse to answer my questions, this will be yet another chronicle from me. At the same time, it’s a story. A true story about the game of power. And how it’s being played by the gamblers, playing a game of high stakes. Brew yourself a cup of coffee and take your time, it’s a long story /Jonas Henning
For a long time now…
A tumor has been growing in the head of the Swedish ski family’s body. As the pressure rises, the headache grows inside the boardroom. Well, the head finally exploded. It’s stinking inside now exposing itself to the public via national media in Sweden.
In one corner stands the ones defending tradition.
Seeking no change. Proclaiming everything is safe and sound in the Swedish ski family. We are doing great.
Let’s call them the conservatives.
In the other corner, you will find the people involved in the sport, passionate and despaired at the same time.
Seeking change and progression. Seeking what they think is best for the sport, the best for the current athlete’s and the upcoming generation.
Let’s call them the progressives.
And let’s be frank, this is not a battle between alpine and cross-country, nor a battle between city versus countryside.
Act 1: It’s a battle over power, and self-aggrandizement
As it seems. Striving for a chair among the board of directors at the Swedish ski federation. It has been less about the passion for the sport. And more about the individuals seeking a position of power, a stepping stone to an even higher position.
Such as a chair in the international ski federation F.I.S. Or ultimately in the International Olympic committee I.O.C.
These chairs don’t come with a high compensation moneywise. It’s a chair of honor. But they come with something that you can’t buy. A ticket to the inner circle of sports. Securing free entrance to the V.I.P platform, rubbing shoulders with celebrities, shaking hands with kings and queens. You know, free travel, free champagne, fancy dinners. Stuff like that.
Striving for higher grounds
This behavior has been going on for quite a while now. Starting already in 2008 when Mats Årjes was elected chairman of the Swedish Ski Federation.
At the same time, managing director for Skistar, one of the main sponsors of Ski Team Sweden Alpine. Moving up to a chair in F.I.S a few years later. A position he has held on to until this summer.
However, He took a timeout during 2023 when he was accused of sexual harassment. Later acquitted on all charges.
The next step for Årjes on his ladder was in 2018. Becoming the chairman of the Swedish Olympic Committee. His, at that time, close friend, Karin Mattsson, succeeded him as the head of the Swedish Ski federation.
In 2021, Mats Årjes challenged another swede, the multimillionaire Johan Eliasch to be the chairman of the F.I.S. Eliasch who owns the ski brand Head, and a good friend of Prince Andrew won the fight.
The historical meeting in Åre 2018
When Mats Årjes left his chair at the Swedish Ski Federation in 2018 to Karin Mattsson, the board awarded him the Swedish Ski Federation medal of merit in gold. Along with the title honorary chairman. An historical meeting indeed.
One year later, in the aftermath of the Åre 2019 world Championship. Both Mats Årjes and his chairman Per Nuder resigned from Skistar in a haste.
Per Nuder, a former Swedish finance minister for the social democrats, was accused of “improper behavior” during Åre 2019. Which he denied, “I was only drunk” was his excuse.
Everyone visiting an after-ski in Åre knows what can happen there. Per Nuder is not the only one showing up an improper behavior on these occasions. And what’s happens there, stays there. (I was there, by the way).
Stefan Bessman, Mats Årjes and Karin Mattsson holding hands, climbing the ladder to exaltation
Stefan Bessman’s strive to the top has been long and patient.
The first step on the ladder was taken in 2012 when he, as a chairman of Stockholm, one of the biggest ski districts, was nominated to the election committee at the Swedish ski federation.
In 2013, he was elected to the board of the national sports federation.
Karin Mattsson was his chairman on that board. This is a chair Stefan Bessman is holding on to, but the question of sitting on double chairs has been raised occasionally.
Bessman kept his position in the election committee at the Swedish ski federation until 2018. The election committee then proposed him to a chair on the board. At the same time, proposing Karin Mattsson as his chairman.
The third person proposed and elected in to the board at this meeting was Lennart Käll. Who had just stepped down as the general manager for one of the main sponsors of the Swedish ski federation; Svenska Spel.
In 2020, the election committee suggested Karin Mattsson for reelection as chairman. Furthermore, the election committee once again proposed two of themselves worthy of a chair on the board. Eva-Lena Frick and Anders Furbeck.
Proclaiming there were no other suggestions.
They were elected under protest from the two of the biggest districts, Stockholm, Uppland, and one of the biggest ski clubs in Stockholm (Sollentuna).
Just a few months before this election took place, Eva-Lena announced she will leave her job as managing director for Vasaloppet.
Is it difficult to find proper candidates for the board?
There were other names suggested (progressive ones) ahead of the meeting, These names also had a solid ground in the ski family.
Margareta Helander, a senior member of the election committee, gave them a call. Telling them, in shortly, they won’t be elected.
So as a friendly advice, they were asked to step down from the list.
According to my sources, there was no in-depth interview, which should be expected from a serious election committee.
She was then awarded with the Swedish ski federation medal of merit in gold, given by her former fellows in the election committee (now members of the board). Since then, a battle for a chair in the boardroom has been ongoing.
The tradition of holding hands
The tradition of holding hands and proposing fellows of the election committee stays strong in the Swedish ski federation. I tried to ask Margareta about this, but she didn’t reply to my calls.
One example is Eva-Lena Frick’s fast-forward advance from the election committee, when she was proposed by the very same to the board in 2020. To her ongoing double, holding chairs in the Swedish Ski federation and in the Swedish Olympic committee. Also aiming to be the chairman of the Swedish ski federation.
When I revealed these facts to a respected member of the Swedish ski family, the reaction was:
“But it doesn’t sound wise. What is this? An internal club without transparency and insight!”
I tried to ask Eva-Lena some questions about this, but she declined an interview. Just a couple of days after my contact, the election committee announced she will not be available for re-election to the board or as its chairman.
Act 2: The ongoing fight, been exposed in the Swedish national media.
Another battle staged on this scene was the battle of whom to be nominated to the desirable chair representing Sweden in the F.I.S council.
The conservatives proclaiming that the tradition holds that it’s always the chairman of the Swedish ski federation who is given this position.
While the more progressive thinking that Sweden should send its most suitable. At least Lisa seems to think so. She challenged her chairman and suggested herself to the board, as the one suitable to represent Sweden.
She quickly withdrew that suggestion as it was not seen with bright eyes by her fellow board members.
There are obvious exceptions to the traditions.
As an example, former chairman Mats Årjes sat in this position for years, re-elected without holding a chair in the Swedish ski federation.
Now outgoing chairman Karin Mattsson is rewarded a chair in this coveted spot.
This happened in June at the F.I.S congress on Island, where Karin, as a chairman of the Swedish Ski Federation, brought a delegation of more than 20 loyal persons.
Securing her the position.
The tour operator had a busy time, and the C02 budget went up in the air. How dare you?
Karin, with non whatsoever background in skiing, outmaneuvered fellow board member Lisa Åberg who was put in the freezer by Karin Mattsson during the spring. According to Liza, Karin hasn’t spoken to or answered any calls from Lisa since the 15th of March, despite being her chairman. I have been trying to ask Karin about this fact, but she declines an interview.
Who is the most suitable to represent Sweden’s will?
Lisa, who in the contrary to Karin, has a background in skiing both as an athlete and as a parent. Not to mention her solid working experience, might have been at least as good choice as Karin.
But she was not the chairman, as the unspoken tradition bids. During the spring, after Lisa proclaimed her interest in the F.I.S chair, the temperature in the boardroom quickly dropped below zero.
Lisa, being the freshman on the board of directors, also raised questions on how the federation’s money was spent. For this, she was accused of being disloyal to the other members, as she did not hush up and waited patiently for her time to come.
Vice chairman Stefan Bessman rose his sword to defend his chairman Karin, proclaiming Lisa persona non grata. Demanding her to resign.
As the vice chairman of the Swedish ski federation, it’s not unlikely that Stefan sees himself as the natural choice to be the next chairman as Karin resigns.
Because, as the tradition bids (unspoken and never heard of outside the boardroom) he could then use it to continue to climb the ladder to the top of self-aggrandizement.
I have tried to ask Stefan Bessman some questions about this, but he left the following message, “Thanks but no, thanks. You have to try to hunt on anyway”
How good is Karin Mattsson in this new position representing the Swedish ski family?
Well, that is yet to be found out. She has spent her entire life seeking high positions in the boardrooms of sports.
And now it’s time for her to debut on the international scene.
One thing is for sure.
She will resign as a chairman of the Swedish ski federation at the upcoming congress, leaving a complete mess behind.
It’s not a good sign for the future, that she executes her fellow board member in the press. And she is, obvious, incapable of solving conflicts at sandbox level under her own leadership.
How is the connection going to be formalized when she refuses to talk to one member of the directors in the Swedish ski federation boardroom?
These questions will be unanswered for now as Karin also refuse to answer any questions, leaving me the following statement:
“I’ve read your chronicle and also a comment from you on Facebook which says that the hunt is on and that we’ll see what other journalists will come up with.
Against the background, it is difficult for me to see how a journalistic conversation can take place, and I do judge that there will not be particularly great possibilities that my answers will be handled and reproduced objectively and correctly. Therefore, I decline the interview”.
The origin was in Swedish, so I hope I got the translation correctly!
My comment on this is that I answered one of my reader’s comment on FB saying “there is much more to write about this”. I answered him; “there is indeed more to write about this. It seems now as the national media is on to this, and we have to see what they are publishing in the upcoming days”.
Another battle is ongoing
As Karin resigns, the red carpet should be wide open for Stefan Bessman, that’s what it seemed like just a couple of months ago anyway. Before this cat fight, supported by Stefan, was uncovered by the press.
Is Stefan Bessman the best choice?
Stefan certainly has a CV worth considering. I knew him from our time together as ski racers in Täby slalomklubb.
During the 80s, the biggest ski club in Sweden.
Stefan not known to be the fastest skier, but definitely a passionate one. Skiing more with aggression than with feeling. Infamous for his hot temper in the racing arena.
Lisa Åberg was raised in the same club. Stefan later became the chairman of that club, bringing it up from the bottom after it lost almost all members due to standing without a ski hill.
Doing an impressive job. Moving up the ladder.
He is also familiar with the Swedish law as a lawyer. And holds many chairs in different boardrooms.
However, the current election committee thinks different. After Karin Mattsson announced that she will resign this year. Eva-Lena Frick saw herself as a possible chairman after Karin Mattsson.
she is nominated.
Also, Jonas Bauer is nominated as the new chairman.
Jonas, a former manager of Vasaloppet and destination manager at Skistar has a high reputation in the ski family.
Jonas, who in contrarily to Karin Mattsson has a solid background in skiing, both alpine and in cross-country, as an athlete as well as a parent. Could he be the man to lead the necessary changes within the organization? The election committee think so.
After Eva-Lena Frick’s drop-out, Jonas stands alone to be elected.
But someone might challenge him at the last minute.
I would not be surprised if that someone is to be found among the current board members, rising up like the Phoenix.
The dinner everyone speaks about, but few were invited
One of the main sponsors of the Ski Team Sweden Alpine, Skistar.
Seems to think different about their former employee.
They had their CEO Stefan Sjöstrand calling around among the influencers and electors in clubs and districts.
Trying to convince them not to vote for the progressive line, AKA Jonas Bauer.
This because some persons in the boardroom of the Swedish ski federation, fearing a coup.
Meaning that they were not to be nominated to be reelected, at the upcoming general meeting.
Stefan Sjöstrand and some other sponsors were invited to an informal dinner together with the board members (not all) and selected officials.
After this infamous dinner, Stefan contacted the electors. In shortly, telling them that he stood behind Karin to be reelected as well as the other board members. Except Lisa.
He told them to choose wisely. Otherwise, Skistar might consider stepping aside as a sponsor.
Furthermore, proclaiming that he speaks for all the main sponsors.
The tragicomic, in this, is that Stefan Sjöstrand explains his interference in the democratic process with him protecting the democratic process.
That, and his threat to withdraw Skistar sponsorship, if the upcoming meeting does not reelect the current members of the board, are to be seen out of this context.
Awkward indeed.
What made Stefan Sjöstrand take these actions? To figure that out, I have been in contact with Stefan Sjöstrand who claims no interest in answering any questions from me about this matter.
Therefore, the actual cause will be unanswered for now.
The clubs and districts elect the board, not the board itself, not the election committee, and certainly not Skistar
Lisa Åberg, who says she has been elected to the board to represent a change in how and where the Swedish ski federation will be headed in the future, sits firmly in her chair.
Shaken, but still.
She is convinced that she is managing the will of her voters.
The other board members demanding her to resign, telling the district electors if not, they will.
Her actions are seen as disloyal to the other board members, stating that she alone is to be held responsible for the board’s malfunction.
When the reality strikes Stefan Bessman that Lisa will stay put. He reports her to the police, accusing her of two alternative crimes, a) illegal threat and b) protection of a criminal.
Shooting the messenger
This due to Lisa receiving an e-mail in January from someone worried abut the debate climate in the Swedish Ski Federations own Facebook group.
Where Stefan Bessman uses a bullying type of ruler technique to kill the debate.
The sender complaining about the culture of silence in the federation and how they handle critics. The sender, finished the mail with the text “Bessman must be neutralized”.
It’s obvious for the most that this meaning is to be seen out of this context.
This e-mail was then forwarded by Lisa on the 5th of February to her chairman, Karin Mattsson.
Lisa expressed her concerns abut Stefan Bessman’s way of representing the board on social media. Lisa asking for an improved communication strategy In the same mail.
Before sending it to Karin, Lisa anonymized the sender to protect the same, fearing the aggression of Stefan Bessman.
Don’t reveal the whistleblower
Lisa asked Karin to keep this information to herself. Which Karin did at first.
After a clash between Lisa and Karin following the board meeting on the 15th of march, Karin suddenly decided to forward this e-mail to Stefan.
Karin defends her action, saying, this was a serious threat against Stefan Bessman.
One that Stefan must know of. Stefan proclaims he received the mail by the end of March.
Isn’t strange? Karin claims that her first reaction when receiving the mail from Lisa on the 5th of February was that, this was a serious threat. But still, holds Stefan unknowing for almost two months.
I mean, If it was a serious threat against Stefan, wouldn’t it be a good idea to inform him rushing? I tried to reach out to Karin, ask her about this fact, but you all know the answer by now.
No action from the police
The first report from Stefan was filed with the police on the 10th of April. It quickly found its way down the bin, telling no crime can be established. Stefan, then, filed his next report on the 24th of April. Which was also prompt dismissed by the Police without further action. Stefan, who is a lawyer by profession, must have realized that he had a thin case.
He was obviously not satisfied with this, as Lisa still held on to her chair.
On the upcoming board meeting, the 14th of May, Stefan orchestrated an interrogation.
Acting as a prosecutor, letting Lisa know that she’s committing a serious crime as she refused to reveal the name of the sender to him.
Stefan also accused her for being on the board to gain advantages for her five children. (who are athletes on different levels in alpine).
Letting her know that no one wanted her on the board.
Speaking for all, if she does not resign from the board at free will, they are going to take formal action.
At that time, Stefan knowing his police report was dismissed. But kept holding on to his narrative.
Lisa was at that time totally unaware about Stefans act, reporting her to the police twice. She learned this from a reporter on the 17th of September.
The pressure on Lisa never stops
Stefan’s next move was then to file a report on Lisa to the national sports committee (RIN).
Demanding them to suspend her from all sports for a maximum time.
This was on the 21st of May.
Lisa, on her side, rebuts Stefan’s conduct.
Asking the RIN to consider if not Stefans file is to be seen as reporting her without justification.
Which itself is a cause to suspend Stefan according to the statues.
This was on the 28th of June
RIN Asks Lisa if she wants to formalize her report on Stefan for reporting her without justification.
This was on the 1 of July
on the very same day, Karin Mattsson let the election committee know she will not be available for reelection.
On the board of RIN sits a bunch of Stefan’s friends, which makes me wounder if the case is being put on a fair trial.
One of the things pointing in that direction is that the national sports committee has postponed its verdict until the week after the upcoming Swedish ski federation meeting, where the new board is to be elected.
Stefan keeping the steam up.
In the middle of the summer, Stefan signs Lisa out from the board of directors in Ski team Sweden AB, (a company owned by the Swedish ski federation) without telling her.
Stefan also cries out in the national press. Saying that this is a serious threat.
Fearing for his life.
And Lisa is to blame for this. As she does not unveil the name of the sender to him.
This causes trouble for the election committee.
They don’t know the verdict of the national sports committee when they are presenting the nominees for the electors.
Neither Lisa Åberg nor Stefan Bessman is to be reelected at this meeting, as their period ends in 2026.
But both are on trial, Lisa accused by Stefan for not revealing the name of the one writing the e-mail and Stefan by Lisa for false accusation.
If one of them is to be condemned. He/she has to step down, perhaps both. Leaving the chair empty, just days after the election. Oh, dear.
Let’s stop here for a while and let it all sink in
it’s a bit to handle, isn’t it? I feel the need for a short pause. why don’t you listen to the Style Council, before we continue. They can explain what’s going on here better than me.
Act 3: The final act
You did listen to the text, didn’t you? If not, here is a link to the text.
It’s obvious that this internal fight infects the whole Swedish Ski family. Harming it. The agenda for the upcoming meeting is the last one set by the chairman, Karin Mattsson.
Her solution to get rid of the problem is to ask the meeting to dismiss Lisa Åberg from the board. Lisa is obvious still a current member of the board (as she is proposed to be dismissed). She has not even been invited to the meeting. To defend herself.
Stefan Bessman on the other side, is not on the agenda to be dismissed.
Someone might stand up at the meeting and ask for a vote of no confidence on him.
But that could be against the procedure when reading the statutes.
But then again, so is the proposal to dismiss Lisa at the same meeting.
Killing a character
Dismiss Lisa will definitely solve one of Karin’s upcoming problems, to keep a tight and open dialogue with the Swedish board as the Swedish represent in F.I.S. Council.
It can also be seen as her final attempt to kill the character of her opponent before she leaves for higher ground.
The three musketeers
This move, together with the influence game played to support the board members loyal to Karin, is massive. Three electors have taken on a self-imposed role as speakers for all members of the Swedish ski family. Telling the other district electors via e-mail to think twice before voting for a quick change, AKA the progressive line. The Club electors were not on the send list.
This mail was sent on the 22nd September to secure that only the chairs of Karin and Lisa will be replaced at the upcoming meeting. Here is a translated extract:
“Based on the large media hunt that has been going on for the past week, we, Arne, Anders and Jonas, based on our mission as regional representatives have had dialogue and meetings.
The reason for this email is to make it clear that we all need to take extra time to commit to really evaluating the situation and the direction we believe is the best for a constructive meeting in October, as well as for a strong Ski federation and a successful and healthy skiing sport in Sweden.
We do not believe that the federation is winning from that the situation in alpine and the board of directors, as well as the subsequent debate, is carried out in the media.
It must, of course, be anchored in the right democratic order.
After the chairman’s conference, we agreed that we need to create change, step by step, at a reasonably controlled pace.
Now there seem to be factions and groupings who believe that the best thing for SSF is to replace large parts of the board, to push through an elite focused alpine investment and to change basic structures in the federation.
Our common view is that this will only lead to wrong focus and increased division in our federation.
That the media highlight the views of, to our knowledge, a non-elected person in the non-profit organization, that projects such as Alla på Snö* are not SSF’s task, appear as irrelevant and detached from the world in the context.
If, after all, this is a widespread view within the alpine part of the SSF, it is astonishing to say the least.
In the discussions that now run up to the meeting, we all have to get involved and really think about how we see the federation.
We don’t see the world and the federation quite as black and catastrophic as some want to claim.
We see that we need to vigorously address the challenges we have, mainly in alpine – challenges that consist of both financial aspects, the working environment for our employees and an attitude that seems to exist within the alpine part.
Here, gathering and unity are needed for us to develop together.
We invite you all to really think before the meeting in October so that we can create a ski federation where many want to get involved by investing even more volunteer time and where we see our full responsibility as non-profit club leaders, district chairmen, and ski federation representatives to develop both breadth and elite.“
*All on snow
The non-elected person, that’s me.
It’s me, they’re referring to as the “non-elected person in the non-profit organization”. I must say that I was a little bit shocked that I made such an impression on them with my latest chronicle and the debate that followed. But I was not surprised when I saw this e-mail. It confirms the culture of silence within the ski family. And it raises many questions.
What do they even mean, is there no free speech within the Swedish ski family?
Is it only elected persons and other officials that have a say?
And if they say something, must it be anchored in the right democratic order?
Otherwise, it’s irrelevant and out of context? whose context?
Are they telling the electors how to vote? is this the way of democracy?
Finally, Who had appointed these three persons to speak for all?
I gave Jonas Peterson a call, thinking he could answer my questions above, as he was the one sending this e-mail to the electors. He is also the chairman of the district, nominating Eva-Lena Frick, to succeed Karin Mattsson. He did not want to answer any questions about this e-mail. I also contacted Anders Sundin and Arne Pettersson to see if they were willing to answer my questions. but they did not even reply to my request.
Who are they?
Arne Pettersson, chairman of the district Uppland (part of Svealand). Arne has, after this letter was sent, been proposed a chair in the election committee for the upcoming meeting.
Anders Sundin, chairman of the district Jämtland/Härjedalen (part of Norrland). A local politician for the Social democrats in Östersund.
Jonas Peterson, chairman of the district Västergötland (part of Götaland).
The final battle is on
My guess is that the upcoming meeting will be challenging.
Based on the e-mail, This upcoming week will be intense for all involved in this wicked game that is being played.
It’s obvious that the current board of directors cares less about the sport than its own grandiose self-image.
What’s revealed should be enough for everyone in the boardroom to put their chair for disposal on the upcoming meeting, October 19th. That would certainly be an act of honor.
To carry the voice of the 150149 members of the Swedish ski family, 32 electors have been chosen to handle 42 votes out of districts and clubs. If you are one of the members. You should give your elector a call before Friday, to let them know your will. It’s your voice they are representing.
A fragile democracy indeed.
Reading this text might be strong, too strong for some. Kenny Rodgers has some advice to give all the gamblers out there. Listen to it and take on his final words.
Phew… It was a massive work digging in the dirt. Thank you for reading it all. If you want to support my job uncovering stories in the ski world, you can donate a small sum via SWISH. The number is 1233123726 notice “skitrotter”. For international donations, send a message to ask for our IBAN. many thanks in advance.
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